About Garth Gilchrist
Garth Gilchrist grew up roaming the woods and mountains of western Washington and California’s Sierra. Ever more amazed by the beauty of wildness, Garth has worked to spark and grow reverence for nature and a sense of connection with what he calls “The Great Life” in people of all ages for four decades. As a poet, a performing storyteller, a writer and an environmental educator, he has used the power of inspired language to illuminate the gifts that nature holds for those who enter not only into nature’s landscapes but into its heart and living presence.
Though his repertoire as a storyteller spans a broad range of folk and literary tales as well as original works, Garth is best known for his portrayals of John Muir, the Scottish American naturalist, explorer and writer who spearheaded the conservation movement in the late 19th century. Garth has performed for hundreds of audiences on several continents and his various recordings have won numerous awards.
Though I’ve enjoyed an extraordinarily rich life and career, I’ve also experienced tremendous travails and challenges, as most of us have in one way or another. I’ve experienced first-hand and repeatedly how the deep life in nature has the power to comfort, to offer new hope in the midst of crushing despair, to bring clarity, energy and renewed strength. Helping others to deepen and draw on their own connection to The Great Life is one of my callings.
You’ll find influences of numerous wisdom traditions in these offerings: Native American, Vedic, Buddhist, Taoist, Sufi, and Christian mysticism, as well as perspectives drawn from more recent luminaries like John Muir, Sigurd Olson, Aldo Leopold, Thomas Berry and an array of poets who feel the land deeply. All have been great gifts to me and informed my way. Each opens a window into a life of joyous connection available to us all. It’s all about learning to see, to feel deeply, to honor, wake up and claim our place in the chorus of life.